Haag in Hart, Dam op Borst

Wed 15 March
Entry is free

Hosted by: Deuces + MC Lost + Angie Louws.

Supported by: CultuurSchakel.

For this interactive evening, Deuces, MC Lost and Angie Louws invite you to look beyond disparities and to explore juxtapositions and similitudes between Amsterdam and The Hague as a way to bring us closer.

‘Haag in Hart, Dam op Borst’ (Hague in Heart, Dam on Chest) is a participatory project that aims to stimulate your outlook beyond traditional understandings of the two beloved cities of The Hague and Amsterdam. Angie Louws’ photos will portray both cities through a local perspective, complemented by poems of living experiences by MC Lost and other artists. Additionally, you will have the possibility to immerse yourself in Deuces-produced EP, featuring local talents.

In this multi-disciplinary exhibition, different mediums overlap and support one another in the expression of linkages that bound the two cities. As it is a participatory event, you are invited to express yourself too through an open mic, and live writing.


The open-mic and live performances take place from 20.30 to 21.00. Come explore the similarities between the two metropoles and connect the dots as you move along the exhibition.

Practical Information

The Grey Space opens at 17.00
Haag in Hart, Dam op Borst starts at 19.00

Entry is free, RSVP below