Dinner Session: LI Yuchen & Zoé Saraswati + Rachwill Breidel [fully booked]

Sun 13 November

Another week, another dinner session. Join us for an inspiring evening carefully balancing delicious food and pleasant tunes.

Please note: this Dinner Session’s dinner is fully reserved.

Inspired by artist Gordon Matta-Clark’s restaurant FOOD, which existed in the 1970s in New York, The Grey Space invites people to come and cook affordable meals as an artistic and social expression during our weekly Dinner Sessions. DJs will guide the evening musically and make you dance after dinner.

LI Yuchen & Zoé Saraswati are both intrigued by the broader interrelations between food and its consumers, and the stories and natural connection surrounding food, which they explore in their art. They dubbed this Dinner Session ‘Soil Journey’, which involves an ’embodied experience through a journey in the soil’. The fresh-from-the-forest dinner is accompanied by the electronic tunes of Rachwill Breidel, also known as Koiri.

The forest-y menu contains three courses, with the starter being soup with radish, carrot, cabbage, and broccoli. For the main, LI Yuchen & Zoé Saraswati cook beetroot rice with chestnut tempé, grilled mushrooms, and pickled salad. They end by serving pine bark crackers with taxus jam and baked apples as a dessert.
Price: €20
The price for the dinner is €20.
Practical information
  • Doors open at 17.00, Dinner starts at 18.30.
  • Payment at the bar (pin only).
  • Students get 20% discount on the drink menu.
  • Reservations: via reservations@thegreyspace.net. Please mention your name, the amount of guests and the date.
LI Yuchen

LI Yuchen aims to interweave alternative ways of relating to the world other than exploitation, appropriation, or consumption by adopting art as a medium and platform. Since our relation to Mother Earth is reflected profoundly in food, she dedicates her work to be a space for questioning and rethinking our relationship with the complete food production chain; from the land to the producers to our dinner table. Cooking and eating can then become a form of resistance where we revive ancestral knowledge and engage in thinking through different sensations and intuition.

Zoé Saraswati

Zoé Saraswati sees herself as an artist using food as a medium to express something bigger. She explores how food and cooking techniques can be used for storytelling physically, mentally, and spiritually. The food itself tells a story, but Zoé also cares about the effect of this story, when people consume the food. For her, food takes on an extra spiritual layer that needs to be nurtured in the way we prepare our food, namely with love and attention.

Rachwill Breidel (Koiri)

Koiri is a traveler from an unknown time period and place who creates rhythms that are Winti-inspired. To reach an altered state, the body has to move as if possessed by rhythmic structures. For this Dinner Session, he plays tunes that fit the energy of the night.

Combine your visit

Combine your visit to this Dinner Session by coming earlier to The Grey Space and attending the preceding event; BARTALK x Studio Dull. Come by to listen to inspiring speakers including our Open-Space resident Constant Dullaart.

Open Call for Cooks

For our Dinner Sessions, we’re always looking for cooking enthusiasts, artists or other humans with a passion and talent for food. Feel welcome to reach out to us! Some experience with preparing food for – and serving to – larger (30+) groups is required.

Click the button bellow to find more information and the application form.