default #8

Sun 1 October

Hosted by: default den haag

This will be first event of this season, presenting an international line-up, filled with experimental music and sound art performances.

This varied line-up contains a special performance by Italian electro-acoustic composer and reel-to-reel performer Valerio Tricoli (it/de), explorative sound-poetry by Angelina Nonaj (it/nl), the network-music computer ensemble [ _ _ _ ] (Shuoxin Tan, Jia Liu, Li Song) (cn/uk/de) and an accompanying solo performance by Li Song (cn/uk), who in his work explores built-in laptop speakers & suspended speakers as instrumental tools.

Practical information

The Grey Space opens at 19.30
default #8 starts at 20.00

Regular online: €15,00
Student online: €12,50
Door: €15,00

If your current situation means you can’t afford that & you would still like to come, you can mail to and they will figure something out with you.

This event is part of a two-day program that default den haag is hosting in the beginning of October. Default#9 is taking place on Monday the 2nd of October at the Central Library. The ensemble [ _ _ _ ] will give a talk on ‘collaboration and communication through network music‘, Jia Liu & Shuoxin Tan will both present a solo-performance.