Guest Program – Base Page

You are organising an event at The Grey Space. Great, we are excited! On this page, you will find everything regarding the communication and promotion of your event.

Once production has approved your event proposal, and you have a date set in our calendar, it is time for the event to be published on our website – and to therefore start the promotion of the event to the public. On this page, find important information about various elements within the event’s communication. Also, find a form in which we ask you to provide us with the event’s information.


On the pages below, find information on everything you need regarding the promotion and the ticket sale of the event. We inform you on on the way things go here at The Grey Space, and provide you experience-based advice. Please read them thoroughly before filling out the forms.

If you need more help after, we are happy to discuss any of the information in here with you in depth over phone, email, or in a meeting – either in our space or online.


Do you have all or nearly all the information for the event you are organizing at The Grey Space? Please fill out the first form.  The lineup or exact program can still be missing, for example.  If, in stead, you barely have any specifics for the event, please fill out the second form. This way, we can already post the event on the website, and attractpublic.