Please fill out this form if you have (nearly) all or most of the information on the event you are organising at The Grey Space. Don’t worry about not having the exact details on the program or lineup yet, this can come later.

Things to keep in mind
  • Information should be submitted in English.
  • Write your texts in the third person.
  • Make sure artist names are spelled correctly.
  • Provide the information in bullet points or in a brief manner.

Please remember that the information you provide us will merely be used as input for a simple website page. We cannot guarantee that we incorporate all of this information. However, if you seek to share more background information or details, we can include a link to a social media post/event. You can provide this link in the form below.

    What's next?

    After you have filled out the form, we will email you with a confirmation and an extended briefing. Furthermore, more importantly, we will make the website page from the input you provided, and will potentially ask for any extra information we may need. If you were not able to provide us the specifics on the program or lineup on the form yet, we will inquire about that too.