Help us save The Grey Space!

Dear friends,

On June 7th, the municipality of The Hague received the advice to not continue structural funding for The Grey Space in the new policy period (2025-2028). We call upon the municipality to not follow this advice. 

It is essential that The Grey Space continues to exist, for The Hague, for its residents and for the cultural field in the Netherlands.

We strongly believe that The Grey Space fulfills a unique position within the cultural infrastructure of The Hague. The organization is an incubator for new generations of art and culture makers and enthusiasts. It connects young initiatives in the city for whom it is often difficult to find a place in The Hague to present their artistic plans and projects. Presentation spaces for interdisciplinary and/or experimental artists and practices are scarce within The Hague, but vital to a vibrant cultural field. And it’s The Grey Space that thinks further than the traditionally programmed and defined disciplines.

And on top of that, we see that The Grey Space has become an essential bridge between day and night culture and fulfills a unique function for night-culture in the centre of The Hague. We stand for openness, guts, understanding, reflection, and above all, an open door.

We ask the municipality to keep that door open, for the city, for the entire arts and culture field. You can help us by signing –and sharing– our petition.

On behalf of The Grey Space,
Marijke Cobbenhagen