(2023) Ildikó Horváth – centre OFF gravity

Artist Ildikó Horváth joined our Open Space residency program in which she opened up the proces of her work ‘centre OFF gravity’ to an audience.

Horváth’s residency focused on her work centre OFF gravity. In this long-term project, she explores the way humans interact with their environment by emphasizing the forces of gravity.

At The Grey Space Horváth expanded her investigation and combined kinetic ceramic objects with interactive sound and movement. For centre OFF gravity she collaborates with sound artist Zeno van den Broek, circus artist Melody Nolan and mime artists Niek Vanoosterweyck in order to make the immaterial physical.

Artist Portrait

During the residency, we made an artist portrait of Ildikó Horváth, presenting her artistic project and creative process.

Ildikó Horváth

Artist Ildikó Horváth (1986, Hungary) graduated in 2019 from the Department of Ceramics at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. Horváth researches sensibility in the relationship between physical and virtual space, with an emphasis on the transformation of matter. She uses materials that are constantly changing, often in combination with sound and digital media.

The Grey Space selected Horváth because of the way she presents her ideas about the mutual influence between our virtual world and the physical environment. She manages to translate this to craft techniques and contemporary technology.


The results of the residency were shown during an exhibition in which Horváth’s interactive work centre OFF gravity was presented alongside the installation Neon Songs by multidisciplinary artist Mariah Blue. Both their works focus on the relationship between the body and technology. The exhibition was inaugurated with two nights of performances in which Ildikó Horváth and Mariah Blue collaborated with artists and musicians to activate their installations.

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