Scenius: Pay-Bazi

Fri 20 October

Presented by The Grey Space, in collaboration with Pay-Bazi.

Don’t miss the final installment of Scenius curated by Pay-Bazi. Embracing their roots while blending them with the unexpected sounds of a global diaspora, Hajar Moutaouakil and Fatima Ferrari will be providing the soundtrack for the night.

Hajar Moutaouakil, using the moniker DJ MamaKil, employs their art as a powerful tool for expressing activism and advocating for a more inclusive and equitable world. Fatima Ferrari skillfully recontextualizes Middle Eastern music, incorporating familiar vocals and instrumentals from her wide range of influences.

Narges Mohammadi aka Fatima Ferrari and Yannik Güldner’s prolific cultural undertaking has initiated and sustained initiatives such as The Spectrum Space, Queering The Church, beuys bois and Trixie. Discerned with accelerating global destabilisation, their efforts are untethered to habitual compartmentalising meta-structures of traditional discipline.

Their practice flows from the need to belong, the importance of tracemaking and desideration for reconstruction. Bazi, the Persian term for dance, translates to ‘game’ and ‘play’ in Farsi language. Pay-Bazi (foot-dance) investigates the complex layers of diasporic identity by resurfacing marks formed in the sediment of personal history. As trace fossils formed by organisms, the marked sediment solidifies. Traces are embedded in new layers. Layers are cut out, built on, remixed, re-recorded and playfully explored, recontextualizing their position in time.

Practical information

The Grey Space opens at 17.00
Scenius starts at 22.00

Regular online: €8,00
Student online: €6,00
Door: €9,50


The weekly club concept is inspired by the term scenius with which Brian Eno describes the creative intelligence of a community. A myriad of music initiatives with an interest in community building are offered a three-month residency, inviting them to expand their scene. Scenius aims to be an accessible and eclectic club experience where you can hang out, listen and dance.

More The Grey Space