Hosted by: Hypha Presents
Hypha presents invites you to their new instalment in our basement to take a musical trip together through the universes of Nina de Raadt, Andre Miranda, Doktoro, and DJ Corridor.
Hypha is a new event born out of our love for music, organization, and community building. A ‘Hypha’ literally means a web: it’s the vegetative part of a mushroom-forming the mycelium, and so it’s a network that shares nourishment and information. This is a beautiful starting point for all that Hypha has in mind.
Nina de Raadt kicks things off with some sweet sounds, and is then followed up by André Miranda, who takes you on a sonic trip with a live set and thereby sets the mood for the third DJ, Hypha-resident Doktoro. Amsterdam-based DJ Corridor closes the night off in a proper way like you are used to from Hypha and our basement.

The Grey Space opens at 19.00.
The event starts at 20.00.
Tickets: €10